Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me Monday - The Good Version

What if I was good today...
What if I was so good that everyone went on their merry way this morning with fresh homemade pumpkin pie bread for breakfast (with a drinkable yogurt for the kids)!
What if I put Madison's favorite outfit in her dance bag so she would be excited when it was time to dress for the day!
What if I packed clean nap stuff and put it in each child's cubby 1st thing this morning, rather than doing it tonight when there is more time!
What if I remembered to bring a new package of pull-ups to school for Austin,
and they only had to remind me 1 time!
What if I even got to work an extra 10 minutes early!
What if I already had dinner planned, all parts of it purchased,
and ready to make when I get home!
What if I already posted a new post this morning, complete with pictures!
In an effort to sometimes seem like I am pulling it off, today I actually DID!!
Then I got to work...UGH!!


Anonymous said...

this is it!